Educator Recruitment & Retention Principles of Action
Our team gathered input from teachers, support staff, administration, and district leaders, as well as used evidence-based research and outreach to other states. This work resulted in the Principles of Action, which guides our work.
Guiding Principles
A high-quality education is vital for the success of our children, community, and state. Ensuring that all students have access to a professional, prepared, and effective educator will happen when:
- Salary packages are comparable to the education and training of other professional fields.
- Adequate resources for classrooms, students, and educators are provided.
- Educator autonomy, relevant professional learning and development, and leadership opportunities are common practices throughout a school system.
- Effective, collaborative, and representative leadership exists at every level.
Principles in Action
The Arizona Department of Education Recruitment and Retention team will advocate and support communities and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) by:
- Developing research-based toolkits and resources to collaboratively advocate for the needs of educators and students at a community and statewide level.
- Providing effective professional learning and development that honors educators as experts by being differentiated to meet their unique needs.
- Building and supporting pathways for leadership that meet the needs of students and the local education system, and elevates student achievement as well as educator efficacy.
- Establishing effective systems and pathways to recruit and retain education professionals, prioritizing those from underrepresented backgrounds and experiences.
- Ensuring education professionals enter the workforce with appropriate resources, preparation, and training which includes continual support at all levels within the educational system.