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Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program (Summer-EBT/SUN Bucks) provides grocery-buying benefits to low-income families with school-aged children who lose access to free or reduced-price school meals when schools are closed for the summer.
Starting in 2024, Arizona families will receive $120 per eligible child to purchase groceries during the summer months, when school is out of session.
Use this tool to determine if your child is eligible for SUN Bucks (also known as Summer EBT).
Household size: ............. Yearly Income Limit:
2 people ............................... $26,973
3 people ............................... $36,482
4 people ............................... $55,500
5 people ............................... $65,009
6 people ............................... $74,518
7 people ............................... $84,027
8 people ............................... $93,536