INTERNAL PD INFO: Free Virtual UDL Professional Learning Series for All Educators
- Thu, Sep 12 2024 •
- Updates
Special Education Directors,
We invite all educators to our upcoming free virtual professional learning series on Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
This series is an excellent opportunity to deepen your understanding of UDL principles and how they can be applied to create more inclusive, accessible learning environments for all students.
These virtual sessions will focus on providing practical strategies that can be implemented across diverse classroom settings, supporting the success of all learners. We encourage your schools to take advantage of these no-cost virtual learning sessions to deepen knowledge and understanding and enhance instructional practices to ensure every student succeeds.
The registration links are in the attached PDF flyer or on the following website: ADE UDL Virtual Sessions for September-November.
Thank you for your continued dedication to fostering inclusionary education. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the facilitator at
We look forward to your participation!