Arizona 9th Grade Success Grant Project
The 9th Grade Success Grant is designed to provide funding to local education agencies and charter schools to improve the ninth-grade student experience to ensure that students enrolled in ninth grade develop the skills they need to successfully persist to tenth grade on time and ultimately graduating from high school and launching successful careers. Applicants commit to implementing the key components of the 9th Grade Success model and should use funds to support implementation in five broad categories:
Timely, Actionable Data
Highly Effective 9th Grade Success Teams
Proactive & Data Driven Interventions
Comprehensive System of 9th Grade Transition Supports
High Quality Instruction
To learn more, please review the 9th Grade Success Funding Opportunity Overview
Applications will be completed in- GME (Grants Management Enterprise) Website
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are eligible to apply for this opportunity and will identify the school(s) that will participate (maximum of five school sites per LEA) if they meet the following criteria:
- A graduation rate of less than 85% for the last two school years.
Available grant funding will be distributed to LEAs with school(s) demonstrating high need based on the following priority criteria:
In the last year, the school was within the lowest 25% of schools in four-year graduation rate
Is in a rural area as defined by ADE
Is funding a new 9th grade transition program that has not been previously funded by the LEA
Were previously funded with the 9th Grade Success Grant and completed a successful program
The ESSER Team in School Support and Improvement will provide focus, coordination, research, and leadership to assist local education agencies in implementing efforts to reduce the dropout rate and increase graduation and completion rates and levels of student engagement and re-engagement related to the goals of the 9th Grade Success Grant Project.
Program Questions: [email protected]
Grants Management Questions: or call (602) 542-3901