ADE Workforce Data Dashboards
Educator Dashboard
User Guide
Views: Users can adjust the view in the bottom right-hand corner. Full screen is suggested for the easiest viewing. Once in full-screen view, users can toggle between the pages using the left and right arrows located at the center bottom.
General Notes on the Data: The data used to build this dashboard was collected in the Teacher Input Application (TIA), which each local education agency (LEA) self-reported. Only educators categorized as “teachers” in TIA were included. Administrators, classified staff, and other educational professionals are omitted.
Page 1: Degree and Experience
On page 1, users can see the total number of teachers per year from 2019 through 2024 by degree and experience levels, as reported in TIA. Degree information is collected during the certification process, and only degrees reported at the time of certification are displayed. A teacher may become certified after obtaining their bachelor’s degree and go on to obtain a higher degree later but never report it to the Arizona Department of Education.
Filters: The year filter affects the top 3 boxes as well as the two distribution graphs. Additionally, users can drill down to a specific county, which will alter all 7 boxes of data. Furthermore, clicking on any bar in the Degree Level or Experience Distribution graphs will filter the trend data and top-level data for that specific bar.
Page 2: Content and Grade Level
On page 2, users can see the total number of teachers per year from 2019 through 2025 by content and grade levels, as reported in TIA. Each teacher can only have one content area reported in TIA. 12% of the records reported their content as just “teaching,” and 8% were reported as “nonapplicable” and were not included in the content graph. Therefore, multiple grade levels can be reported in TIA and are reported in grade-level buckets. “Multiple Grade Elementary” represents teachers that were reported as K-8 or multiple grades that overlapped two or more buckets, such as 3 and 4, which have one grade level considered lower elementary and one considered upper.
Filters: The year and county filters affect all 5 data boxes. Users can also click on any of the bars in the Content or Grade Level Distribution graphs to filter the rest of the screen to only display data for that one area.
Page 3: Race and Gender
On page 3, users can see the total number of teachers per year from 2019 through 2025 by gender and race, as reported in TIA. Approximately 1% of teachers did not report their race.
Filters: The year filter affects the top 5 boxes of data and refers to the fiscal year. Additionally, users can drill down to a specific county, which will alter all 7 boxes of data.
Teacher Workforce Ethnicity vs Student Population
User Guide
Data Sources
Student ethnicity data is pulled from publicly available enrollment reports available here:
Student data is redacted when groups or subgroups fall under the value of 11. Those students were accounted for under the “subgroup too small” category.
Teacher ethnicity data is pulled from teacher information in the Teacher Input Application (TIA).
Pie Graph Comparison
Users can compare the percent makeup of each ethnicity subgroup for the teacher workforce vs the student enrollment.
Filters: Users can view the data at the overall state level or filter to a single Local Education Agency (LEA – public school districts and charters) or county. Data is available back to fiscal year 2020.